How to celebrate valentine’s week

How to celebrate valentine’s week

Rose day kicks off valentine’s week, which gives you an opportunity to show daily gestures of love and appreciation towards your significant other. Each day has a theme, and we’ve explained each one below.

Propose day 

Propose Day is celebrated on February 8th as a day to propose to your significant other. A large number of young people give roses to propose to their prospective girlfriend or boyfriend. It is the second day in Valentines Week. Although Valentine's day is celebrated across whole world, Valentine week is something celebrated Everywhere. 

Chocolate day 

February 9th marks chocolate day, which is the right time to sweeten up valentine’s week. Gift your significant others chocolates and candy, or take them on a romantic dessert outing.

Teddy day

Teddy Day is celebrated on February 10th of every year. Teddy Day is the Fourth Day of Valentine week and it is an unbeatable day for the girls as every girl likes to have either a big teddy or a small teddy with her. So it is a perfect day for all the boys to present their loved ones with the beautiful Teddy Bears.

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Promise day

February 11th marks promise day, which is all about commitment. This is the day to have serious conversations about the future of your relationship, but take some of the pressure off by doing something fun or fulfilling.

Hug day

Hug Day is celebrated on February 12th every year as the sixth important day of Valentine’s week. On this day, people hug their partner as a sweet gesture of love and affection. Through gentle hugs, they offer each other the warmth of their love that strengthens their relationship further. Offer a warm hug to your beloved or partner to show that you will always love them and be there for them till your very last breath. 

Kiss day 

Kiss Day is considered as a golden day of the whole Valentine's week because a kiss can express your feelings in a better and more romantic way than any words could. It's celebrated on February 13th every year.That means sharing a special, tender kiss with your partner. 

Valentines Day 

Valentine’s week ends on February 14th, and no matter how much effort you put into celebrating the prior days, you should pull out all the stops for the grand finale. Plan a perfect date that incorporates the best parts of each of the prior days, and your relationship will achieve new levels of romance and passion. 

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